DC&G provides the experience and competence found in larger firms to qualified high-net-worth individuals with the attention and expediency of a smaller enterprise. The value of these services for a client's overall portfolio includes:
Key Factors:
Our Emerging Markets Primary Focus includes sovereign and quasi sovereign debt obligations in hard and local currencies, equities listed in OECD countries to profit from higher liquidity and options and local equities where the country is a pre-emerging economy with profit expectations similar to venture capital investments, but derived from listed securities.
Asset Management - DC&G provides the experience and competence found in larger firms to qualified high-net-worth individuals with the attention and expediency of a smaller enterprise.
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Venture Capital - These transactions mainly depend on our professional assessment of the merits of a typically new or revolutionary idea to be implemented in a major OECD market or the implementation of an established US practice overseas.
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Private Equity -DC&G specializes in private equity transactions in Latin America, with particular emphasis in the Mercosur countries.
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Consulting Mergers and Acquisition - DC&G assists clients in the design and implementation of corporate acquisition and divestiture programs, restructuring and strategic alliances, and a variety of similar non-recurring transactions relating to financial structure and corporate control. Several consulting assignments include debt restructurings and the relationship with local and external creditors
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